Support & acquisition QC

We give consultancy and third-party advices during program and project planning, data acquisition and interpretation.
Picture shows model of noise reduction.

A simple model for noise reduction by redundancy converted into cost of equipment + cost of surveying, cross-plotted against estimated accuracy. From Eiken and Zumberge (2019).

Technical and administrative support

  • Preparing a time-lapse program with basis for decision on issues as:
    • Number of stations
    • Location of stations
    • Design of permanent benchmarks
    • Requirements for instrument packages in subsequent surveys
    • Cost-benefit analysis for all these front-end decisions
  • Preparing a survey plan within the project frame with issues as:
    • Survey optimization using the survey simulation tool
    • Choice of vessel / ROV
    • Choice of measurement duration at each station
    • Choice of number of repeat visits at each station
    • Choice of reference pressure sensors and their locations
    • Timing of a survey with respect to decisions to be made
    • Advice on the route to best data processing and analysis
  • Analysis of cost, quality, value and cost-benefit of the options

Data acquisition Quality Control

  • We can do daily QC (on-line) of third-party data acquisitions, as we do for our own surveys.
  • This will be based on work in our offices.
  • We download data either after each measurement or 1-2 times a day, dependent on customer requirements.
  • We use Attrack with its QC tools for the analysis.
  • For each record, we will check for deviant samples, trends across the time series and other irregularities.
  • We fit each new record average into the network solution, drift inversion and station value estimate and update for the whole dataset. Outliers are identified within the survey and time-lapse.
  • The client receives a daily report with QC plots, metrics, updated processed data and identification of needs for re-measurements.
Picture shows hand with a computer. The hand is check-boxing in the air

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