A simple model for noise reduction by redundancy converted into cost of equipment + cost of surveying, cross-plotted against estimated accuracy. From Eiken and Zumberge (2019).
Technical and administrative support
Preparing a time-lapse program with basis for decision on issues as:
Number of stations
Location of stations
Design of permanent benchmarks
Requirements for instrument packages in subsequent surveys
Cost-benefit analysis for all these front-end decisions
Preparing a survey plan within the project frame with issues as:
Survey optimization using the survey simulation tool
Choice of vessel / ROV
Choice of measurement duration at each station
Choice of number of repeat visits at each station
Choice of reference pressure sensors and their locations
Timing of a survey with respect to decisions to be made
Advice on the route to best data processing and analysis
Analysis of cost, quality, value and cost-benefit of the options
Data acquisition Quality Control
We can do daily QC (on-line) of third-party data acquisitions, as we do for our own surveys.
This will be based on work in our offices.
We download data either after each measurement or 1-2 times a day, dependent on customer requirements.
We use Attrack with its QC tools for the analysis.
For each record, we will check for deviant samples, trends across the time series and other irregularities.
We fit each new record average into the network solution, drift inversion and station value estimate and update for the whole dataset. Outliers are identified within the survey and time-lapse.
The client receives a daily report with QC plots, metrics, updated processed data and identification of needs for re-measurements.