Gravity surveying at Skorovas Gruber
Quad Geometrics has carried out a gravity survey for Skorovas Gruber A/S (contact: Knut Berger, phone +47 941 46 010) in the autumn of 2024. This took place in the mountains of Trøndelag county, Norway, at the Skorovas mine. Nearly 6 million tons of sulphide ore were extracted, and copper, zinc and sulphur were exported before […]
More precise monitoring of reservoirs is in the coming
The SHAPE-project shall improve data processing and describe uncertainties in a better way. This may enlighten important aspects of CO2-injection and storage.
Northern Endurance Partnership’s CO2 injection and storage project: Gravity and subsidence feasibility study by Quad Geometrics
The Northern Endurance Partnership has through BP awarded Quad Geometrics a Gravity and Subsidence modelling (feasibility) study for the CO2 injection and storage project in the UK sector of the North Sea. The study will be concluded mid- 2024.
Unlocking the potential of microgravity: A review of its role in forecasting volcanic eruptions
In a review article September 2023 published in the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, de Zeeuw-van Dalfsen and Poland argue that microgravity has untapped potential as a forecasting tool for volcanic eruptions. They conclude that the technique is currently underutilized and attention, investment, and applications at more volcanoes could help to realize its promise.
Techniques of microgravity measurements and monitoring
While measurements with precision down to one μGal (one μGal is 10–8 ms–2) have been obtained at laboratory conditions for decades (e.g., Torge, 1989), recent advances have made it practically possible to carry out field surveys at such accuracy, and stationary measurement at sub-μGal precision. This increases the potential applications of gravity to smaller and deeper targets, […]
Height and precise height measurements
On land, subsidence or uplift can be measured with a few mm precision by InSAR, GPS or optical levelling. Deformations can also be accurately measured by tiltmeters or strain meters. Optical or electromagnetic signals hardly penetrate to the seafloor, and the tilt/strain methods require further R&D – both on land and at sea – to […]